NewYork Times の記事より

The I.B.M. supercomputer has surpassed the Earth Simulator, built by the NEC Corporation, in running the Linpack benchmark, a test program that solves a dense system of mathematical equations. I.B.M. announced yesterday that the Blue Gene/L system had attained a sustained performance of 36.01 trillion calculations per second, or teraflops, eclipsing the top mark of 35.86 teraflops reached in 2002 by the Earth Simulator in Yokohama.

36.01 TFlops というのは ''16,000-processor prototype'' でのrecordとのこと.
来年 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory に納入されるシステムでは, 130,000 processors になる予定.

BlueGene/L is one-hundredth the physical size of the Earth Simulator and consumes one twenty-eighth the power per computation.
